National Ignore Wes Campaign

Day 1,164, 18:08 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

The premise is simple. In fact, it might be the only article I've ever written where the title just about sums it up.

So, yes. Let's simply ignore Wes, Rolo and any other scoundrel that has stolen from us. Don't respond to comments, shouts or articles. Don't PM them. Don't acknowledge them in any way.

"Yeah, but Dominik, what if he-"
"No, no, no, no, no, no. No! You don't understand. Just don't."
"But suppose that he-"
"Excuse me, now! You're losing focus, my friend! Just IGNORE him. Don't let him know he exists. In fact this article should be the last mention of him. Ever."
"Seems like a good plan. Wanna have sex?"
"You know it!"
"Oh yeah! Take off those lederhosen!"
*makeout sounds*

So, let's start with the comments in this article.

When Wes starts doing that, talk about something else. Don't listen to him. We have very few tools to ostracise people from our society. So it's a grassroots team effort. If you don't pay attention, they'll go away. Stop glorifying them.


I appreciate your work, but it's time to let them get hit by a train on their own. Forget about him for a while and he'll die in a ditch somewhere. Trust me.