National Health System

Day 272, 08:01 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Krembo

Following our promises to all eBulgarian citizens with regard to our social policy, we would like to present the project "National Health System".

This is an idea of Bimba (foreign minister and congress member) with the active help of Vercigetorix:

" As probably some of you know similar organizations exist in other eCountries such as Italy, Austria and others. I would like to propose this idea to the eBulgarian community so that everyone could get informed in details about the organization as a whole, the procedures and way of work. We decided to start a discussion first, so that everything is transperant and receives the widest possible support from all political parties.

The idea of creating National Health System was first discussed within the BDP and supported by its members. However, having in mind the importance of having such an institution we would like to bring this to an open discussion. We hope that the discussion will be open and productive, so that we could all reach a consensus about this institution. So, let's have a fruitful discussion without quarrels and choose the best for eBulgaria.

1. The main purpose of the National Health System is: to increase eBulgarians' health and respectively their productivity.

2. This will happen by: sending gifts on behalf of the SO accoung of National Health System to those in need.

3. To whom?: All eBulgarian citizens, who meet the requirements of the National Health System and who have sent a request for health support.

- Working citizens with minimum 10 working days in Bulgaria.
-The health support will be divided in two stages: The first one-reaching 65% wellness while being actively working at least for 75% the last 10 days. The second one-reaching 75% wellness after showing 95% working activity after 7 more days.
-Every citizen who meets these requirements will receive support untill his wellness level reaches 75%, but this support will not exceed 15% for the month.
- Additional health support will be provided in case that a citizen has participated in a recent war, but he should be able to prove this (using a screenshot should be enough).
-Soldiers during wars will not be supported. There will be a similar war-time health support for soldiers, which will be different from the National Health System.

5. Irregularities will not be tolerate😛
- Every citizen helped by the National Health System will be put in a data-base list.
- The National Health System will strictly check and follow whether a citizen meets the requirements or not. That is why the National Health System will have to procede a request for health support in maximum 5 days.
-The National Health System will inform all citizens who do not meet the requirements what to do in order to qualify for health support.

6. Purchase and buying of gifts.
- The National Health System will buy gifts from the Bulgarian market.
- Every Bulgarian company will be given the chance to clinch a deal and sign a contract with the National System which will include price and amount of gifts which will be sold to the National Health System.
- The National Health System will buy equal quotas from every Bulgarian company which has signed a contract with it. Following a principe of rotation 10 gifts will be bought from a company and then 10 from the next one, etc. If there are no 10 gifts on the market from a company, the amount which is there will be bought.
-The National Health System will publish in its own newspaper, monthly articles with all information needed in order to guarantee the full transperancy of its actions. Lists of citizen who have benefitted, spent money, amount of bought gifts, prices, companies and contracts, etc....

7. Other activities:
Every citizen who wants to increase his wellness above 75% could buy gifts from the National Health System, by paying for the gifts he needs. (For example if one has 90% wellness and wants it increased to 100%, he could donate the sum equal to 10 gifts, according to the market prices and then receive the gifts, so that his wellness reaches 100😵

I hope that the discussion will be held in a friendly manner and it will bring a constructive and actual decision. I suggest to close this topic after two days of debates and voting here by the congressmen. Then if accepted we could start the creation of The National Health System.

Foreign Minister and Congressman

BDP member "

I do hope that we will manage to start a real and fruitful discussion in the next two days.

Here are links to the Italian and Austrian examples: