National Goals--Because Were Stupid?

Day 737, 10:23 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton


The admins, in their eternal wisdom, decided to add another feature to eRepublik.
This time, it's National Goals.

Let's review this, shall we?


What's A National Goal?
Final Summary
Traditional Quote

First, what exactly are they?
According to the Admins, any Presidential Candidate will be able to set 3 national goals.
No more, no less. They have promised that more goals will follow however.
A Candidate can do either all 3 goals, or none of them. There is no in between.

These 3 goals are in the form of the Economy, Society and Military.
Let's review the Economy first.


The economic goal allows Presidential Candidates to say they want to raise the GDP by x %.
The first problem that just leaps off the page to me is that a Candidate can say they want to raise it by 100%. Sure, it would not happen BUT, noobs don't know that. eRepublik will keep track of all the goals, and note it if they are accomplished, but to me that isn't good enough to keep people from abusing the system, as they always will.

Another thing I've noticed is that there is no way to plan your goal.
Having a goal is an excellent first step, but to actually get to your goal, you need to plan.


The society goal allows the Candidate to say they want to raise the population by x %.
Again, the biggest problem I see with this is that candidates can lie and say "I'm going to increase the population by 100%!" Of course, the experienced players would see through it, but the 2 clickers won't. And then BOOM; a level 14 guy is elected.

And again, there is no way to plan how to make the goal happen!


This is my personal favorite, because it's so stupid.
For this one, the Candidate can say if they plan to keep all current regions, or they can say they will take specific regions.

Wow. Really?

Now the enemy knows exactly what your gunna do. Say Josh Frost runs again and says he wants to takeover the eUK, and the region of Wales. Now the, are going to start their defense. This just tells the enemy your coming BEFORE YOU EVEN MAKE PLANS TO GET THERE.

Again, the holes in this are that a noob could promise to take over all of Canada, while the good candidates just say they will keep all the current regions.


This new feature has alot of holes in it. But hey, do we expect less?
Specifically, it doesn't let you plan out how you are going to accomplish your goals, and it gives newbie candidates a huge advantage.

In my personal opinion, this had alot of potential, and the admins made it suck.

Traditional Quote:

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.”
-Albert Einstein

See ya’ll next time.