National boilingpoints - where is our major malfunctions

Day 289, 07:47 Published in Norway Finland by Juse L

Recently there has been a lot of fuzz about independent states of eFinland and eRussia. I myself am not a keen fan of imperialism, except maybe economical one, so therefore I would like to spot some facts about current situation that more and more seems to form as a mother of all chrisis. Many may disagree, but this simply cannot develope into anything more than massive political and ethnical bickering, chaos within eNorway and mutual losses.

Point 1:
eNorway is de facto eFinland with eNorwegian and eRussian minorities. So the arguing about "liberating" eFinland is more or less absurd - it is actually question of liberating eNorwegian-eRussian united erepublic from eFinland, although we are de jure eNorway. I suppose nobody wishes to be oppressed in their own country, so think about this. There is absolutely no point pursuing together for this alledgely torn-apart state union. I won't touch with a 10ft pole the issues between eRussia and eNorway, but politically I refer to IRL-international law (that I would like to see applied here also) saying freely expressed as following: a state is rightfully entitled of independency, if it recognizes itself and has either historical, linqual, cultural or ethnic base to build a society and chances to make it grow on its own.So, in principle, I would accept all of the next states as an independent eRepublics:
-eLapland (as it ethnically exists through eNorway, eSweden, eFinland and eRussia)
-eTannu Tuva
-eA-Horde-Of-Caucasus-Peoples-I-Even-Can 't-Remember-Them-All

But, as it is rational, I cannot see a half of previous a chance to exist, based on realities of real life. Think about it - is there any chances to success, if internetted and eRepublic-interested potential population of area is less than 1000 inhabitants? AND AN😨 THIS WAS ABSOLUTELY NO COMMENT OF REAL LIFE POLITICS - DON'T GET ANY F***ING STUPID IRL-IDEAS!!!

Point 2:
There is a massload of distrust about our former and current state leaders, lotly because of the act of Forconin. I still keep asking why... This distrust is mainly fueled by eFinnish and eRussians (which I don't blame), but quite recently some eNorwegians have also voiced their concerns over former Binarypartys leadership and their trustworthiness. Totally understandable, since at least I haven't had any reliable explanation for a) where is that 4k Au now; b) who controls that gold; c) why can't it be given back to the people it rightfully belongs. And I believe I am not the only one here. Please comment for this, I would like to know, where eNorway stands today.

Part 3:
Where is the info? Without it, the nations spirit will definately be torn to pieces. Or, even worse, is this just another scheme that targets to drag attention away from there, where it should be (in political actions and the alledged corruption of the leaders), to the somewhat irrelevant battle between nationalities? Here comes the hot potato for the major parties, the president and the parliament - You all have at least an option to speak up via your party newspaper - USE IT AND GIVE US THE INFO! We need to know where is our national treasury located, and who is responsible for it! You understand, don't you? If I, after all, am the only doofus not knowing all info, please anyone, do not hesitate to inform me.

Part 4:
As I assume, founding a hospital takes gold - yeah, the gold what just went to somewhere in the middle of unknown. I actually wouldn't be surprised to find that money tied somewhere in the Binary industries - Forconin-owned multi-industry complex. So anyone wishing to prove me wrong, MAKE ACTIONS NOW! Return the gold, or tell us ignorants the whereabouts and proovably the amount left!

Everyone with the wishes of publishing this are free to do so. Common best is the only thing I chase, and I seriously think this is far from solution, but still serves it well.