Nation Under Siege

Day 1,216, 12:20 Published in Japan Japan by Alfred Ball

Dear Beloved Citizens,

With the events surrounding yesterdays betrayal of one of my closest associates and constant imposters claiming the mantle to this nations leadership, I felt it imperitive to stay hidden in an underground bunkers within the region of HokkaDIO. I was able to escape moments before assasination and setup a double, thanks to the help of my hetero life partner TRSV's warning.

With the increased threat from internal enemies I feel their is no choice but to declare martial law. I have deemed it neccasary to open up camp Lolizanar to political enemies and religious heretics. The constitution is deemed unnecassary by myself, and my own voice is now law. Sophia has been found and located in a brothel outside of Tokyo, as well as her minions Yagami and Minamoto, the activities that were on going inside this brothel are to horrible to be released to the public. Friedrice was also detained for illegal contraband such as heretic Loli pamphlets which denounce the one true faith.

The new Revolutionary Imperial Guard has stormed the emperors palace and discovered a secret situation room with much information on the growing herecy and his hand in it. He has been sent to a secret location in HokkaDIO for re-education.

If you have any information on individuals not following the Dioist faith, or instigating political instability to this great government then you are required to call our newly placed Minister of Homeland Security.

In other news if you haven't been hiding in a re-education camp PANAM has been rebranded into Terra and we have a new logo, for more information on this please click here. Also please check the congressional forums for new discussions that are ongoing.

Dio bless us all during these hard times.

Alfred Ball, Iron Chancellor of eJapan