N.F.A./I.A. - Best Buds?

Day 715, 21:15 Published in Austria Japan by Alfred Ball

Illuminus Austria and National Front Austria Best Buddies?

The simple answer is no, we are still very much a Pro-EDEN party and Illuminus Austria still very much Pro-PEACE, but just because of our alignments of which alliance we support I think it is a bit crazy that some people feel the need to criticize our backing. I however consider Rangeley is very good friend, and I still do, and I hope he feels the same way. That being said I am very happy to be considered for MoD by Querb and his cabinet. This has been the basis of some people having murmurs of bribery for N.F.A. endorsement, that however is not the case at all, I was informed after the action of endorsing that I have been selected for Minster of Defense.

Many people do not think transparency will be in this new cabinet(if elected), I promise to push for just as much openess as the last cabinet who in my opinion did very well at being open and very transparent on all their activities. That being said I do not agree that Rangeley did nothing during his term, he did exactly what he ran on trying to reform PEACE GC, he did what he could. He got them to respect our wishes about only participating in only defensive operations. But, I want to take a new direction, I think Querb will lead us in to prosperity, and I condemn said accusations that if elected we will not make it to December election, I find this to be a distasteful comment as best, and one from a former elected president at that. I push our government to be as open as possible. I urge all potential voters to follow the N.F.A. and I.A. in putting aside our differences in terms of alliances and work together, as far as I know this will be the only country with a government as diverse as ours. If the most Pro-EDEN/Brolliance guy in eAustria to work for a stronger and better eAustria, we all can. I urge all voters to keep this in mind when voting. I am not going to pull any insults out such as the last article of endorsement using scare tactics to get votes. So hit the polls hard and and keep Querb in mind.

With love eAustria,
Alfred Ball