My Welcome Back Present

Day 1,338, 22:34 Published in USA USA by Kijiman

Some music for the mood.
For slower readers. (Nothing wrong with that.)

Slow clap begins.

I have to admit, I was honestly expecting some unexpected factor to ruin our reclamation of the eUS this week.

Clap increases in speed and gets louder.

But judging by the state of the eUS that I've seen in the past couple hours or so that I've been back, that is not the case.

Clap reaches ludicrous speed and increases volume to thundering roar.

So I would like to personally thank each and every one of you in your hard work and dedication in reclaiming the western states of the eUS.

Before everyone asks, my vacation was amazing and very much needed. But that is far from the topic of this article. This article is to once again address the state of the eUS and plan for the future.

Let me start off with a before and after picture of the eUS while I was on vacation.



Marvelous. We have successfully pushed Indonesia out of North America completely. As well as that, we have also nearly created a front with Spain, making sure they don't try and pop up randomly again. Although, that's pretending that Spain is one of our serious contenders. But now it's a 3 on 1 match. And last time I checked, Poland and Hungary are pretty busy in China. So it should be a pretty easy job to finish them off while we have the chance.

However, we should not squander this opportunity in these "freebie" matches. As I've mentioned plenty of times before, many of our allies are being oppressed as well, and we should make sure to use this time to help begin their resistances as well.

Along with our victories in the eUS, it seems other developments have opened up to the North as well.

'Sup UK?

Well, this is awkward.

Oh, hello there UK. I didn't see you come in. I actually wasn't even expecting you to drop by. Last time I checked, you had other matters to attend to.

Sorry the place is a mess, I wasn't expecting company. Feel free to take a seat over there in the corner. By yourself. Alone. Because last time I checked, you and ONE are kinda-sorta in the same alliance, but they have other things to worry about than their annoying little brother who is begging for attention. So congrats. You're on my map for now. Eventually you'll follow Indonesia out the door and I hope it hits you on the way out.

Woah. Don't know what got into me there. I kind of like it. But back to more important matters.

The future:

Alright, so now that we've successfully claimed back most of the western states, we need to finish off that phase of reclamation and create a front with Spain. That means getting Montana and North Dakota back. Along with this, it is imperative that we continue to control Wyoming, allowing our resources to flow to our Capitol. Once we establish a front with Spain and Hungary, it will be much easier to control their counter-attacks into the eUS, and it will make sure that any more regions' resources we get back will be able to contribute to our economic bonuses.

However, as I mentioned earlier, this is also a very important time to help our allies in their battles while ONE takes their time elsewhere. So make sure you know where you are fighting, and who you are fighting for. Don't just fight for the eUS, fight for our allies as well, and they will surely do the same for us in the future.

As I conclude this article, I once again remind you that it is extremely important for you to either join a military or militia, or if you do not have the time for either, make sure you pay attention to DoD orders, so that you know you are truly fighting for the eUS.

Long live America, and as always, stay classy folks.

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