My Vision for Belgium

Day 956, 14:14 Published in Belgium Belgium by Thore Thoreson

I wish to help mold Belgium into a strong, vibrant community with a respected Military and an Economy that is second to none. To do this, I have enlisted what I believe to be a strong Cabinet filled with people that share my vision, or at least the vision as it concerns their area of expertise. With the advent of V2 it is more important than ever that the 3 parts of Belgian society (the Government, the Congress and the Citizens) work together to bring us through this potentially tumultuous time unscathed.


With the implementation of elements of V2, I believe communication will be KEY. For this reason, I have enlisted MaryamQ, with her Assistants Val3rian and Beli Jesen, to help us disseminate information as fast as possible. I also believe a Government should be as free and open as possible with it's Citizens, so at least a weekly Address will be posted to keep everyone informed as to what is going on.


HuCard has some great ideas to help our economy grow, and with the advent of V2 economy module, we have a golden opportunity to really make our economic engine strong and sound. I also believe that a stable peg will promote confidence and long-term investment in the Belgian economy, so we will be working hard to bring the Money Market back under control as fast as possible.

Foreign Affairs

I believe we should continue as an active member of ENTENTE. I also think we need to look at expanding our horizon to include other countries, both in defensive matters and in matters of economic survival. Stilpo, will be leading this effort to continue to build good relations with both ENTENTE and non-ENTENTE countries through the expansion of our embassy system and increased use of public diplomacy.

Home Affairs and State Companies

The effective use of state companies to provide jobs, education and wellness boosts to new citizens who do not yet have the means to obtain it on their own will help us to retain the new players who are our key to long-term survival. Mudduck95 is a person who has shown himself to be an expert in this field and I expect him to continue to develop strategies to do this.

Growth and Culture

We plan to help mudduck95 stay busy by aggressively promoting population growth and retention though culture/identity-building initiatives, external recruitment efforts and increased opportunities for involvement in all areas of Belgian political, military and social life. Kylero has graciously agreed to become our Minister of Growth and Culture to help with initiatives such as the "Aldous the Meek" campaign. If you have ideas to help us grow as a nation, please contact Kylero and we will see what can be done


I have not found a MoD yet. I extended my hand to both the current MoD, ThomasRed and the current Chief General, Zarsky, both of whom refused. I again ask for volunteers to fill this important role in this time of change.
I would like to see the Belgian military become a truly potent force, along the lines of the Hun Elite Unit or the US Airborne. I would also like to implement a training course to enlist every Belgian citizen into the Home Defense Unit, to stand by in case of National Emergency or Invasion. Again, we have a unique opportunity to to do this, we just need the people to carry it out.

I hope that I am able to answer your questions and I truly see Belgium coming through this migration stronger than before. Standing together, we can and will make a difference. Let me help make that difference with you.