My Views

Day 695, 17:40 Published in Mexico USA by Joe Newton


As promised, here is my view on *one* thing. Anymore would be a *huge* wall of text.
So this article will focus primarily on..


Mexico has 1476 citizens with a rate of 10-20 more per day.
According to eRepublik statistics, somewhere around 30-40% of it’s players stay.
So only 476 Mexicans are active. Approximately.
With about 5-8 more coming in every day. (The others will eventually lose interest, so for all intensive purposes I will only count these 5-😎

So each day, Mexico should be getting somewhere between 200-300 MXN.

(Without access to records, this is all estimations. Don’t get angry if I am way off. XD )
This could probably be improved by some basic tax changes.
Oil has a 99% protectionist import tax. That’s good. It’s the only high resource we have.


Income Tax Import Tax VAT
Food 8% 33% 10 %
Gift 5% 25% 7 %
Weapon 5% 25% 7 %
Moving Tickets 5% 99% 10 %
Grain 50% 1%
Diamonds 50% 1%
Iron 50% 1%
Oil 1% 99%
Wood 1% 1%
House 5% 33% 3 %
Hospital 10% 1% 2 %
Defense system 10% 1% 2 %

Gifts, Weapons, and moving tickets all have a 5% income tax. Good?
I’m thinking no.

Back in the states, we have an amazing economic council. They found out that (in a time of no war) 8% tax is good on these. It generates the highest amount of money for the Government.

It looks like you’ve already started something like this on food, with a 8% tax.

Theirs a 99% protectionist import tax on moving tickets. Good, that’s what we use our oil to make.

What’s up with the import taxes on food, weapons and gifts? 15%-25% is a good amount. 33%? No. As a businessman I can tell you if the import tax is over 25%, we will just sell to a different country. Simple as that.

The income tax on grain and diamonds are just ridiculous.

House-income tax. See above.

Hospitals and Defense Systems should both have 1% taxes across the board.
They are so expensive to make that any taxes on them does more harm than good.
Also, the state should help make them. Or make them themselves.

NOTE: Any Hospital or Defense System below Q4 is a waste.

There is a lot more I could talk about, but for now I am done.

If you guys aren’t sick of me, I’ll get into how important population booms are, and how to do them. I can write and write and write. I have many ideas.

Traditional Quote: “A national debt, if not excessive, will be an aid to out nation.”
-Alexander Hamilton

MOAR KITTENS!!!!!11!!!!1!1