My view on current events

Day 798, 12:37 Published in South Africa South Africa by Calew
First of all I would like to thank all citizens who voted for me in the congressional election and I would like to ensure you that I will stand by my word and make decisions based on the policies I presented in my manifesto. I'm merely your voice in congress, so if one of my voters aren't satisfied with something or wish to bring something up in congress I want to you contact me. As long as your request is in line with my policies I will make sure that it's brought up.
Now to the article; we've certainly had an eventful time these last days. In this article I will bring forward some important events, give you my thought on them and hopefully let you view them from a new perspective. I will talk about the Indo-war, SAL with their 50k-dmg-praise and congressional elections.

If you are the least informed you will know most details of the war, so I will keep the facts brief. At 05:54 erep-time on day 794 Indonesia attacked Eastern Cape. The motive is unknown, but I, and many other, believe that Indonesia wanted to clear a way through SA to reach Aussie. The regions would later be given to Argentina, and they would together with Indonesia (and maybe Brazil if they were able to go through SA to reach Aussie) invade Western Australia. Brazil had already tried an invasion of Australia, but it failed and now they wanted to try again with the help of their allies.
But EDEN couldn't let Indo pass and threaten Australia with a mass-invasion, so a large number of EDEN-paratroopers were sent to aid us. And I reckon we wouldn't have any of our regions today if it weren't for their help. Before the invasion of Eastern Cape a MPP between USA and SA was proposed, but it didn't become active until later that day and before that happened Indo attacked Free State. Losing this battle would cost SA a Q5 hospital and our, at the moment, 2nd most populated region. We now had two crucial battles on our hand, one which EDEN had to win and one which we had to win. But we realized that we wouldn't be able to win either battle without EDEN's help so orders were to fight in Eastern Cape. We pretty easily secured this region even though Indo did some last minute tanking, so we had efforts left to secure Free State. This was a very successful day for SA. But more would come.
The same day as the successful defensive it was mutually decided that it would be best for SA and for EDEN to push Indo out of SA. We RW'd and attacked Indo's last SA-region, Northern Cape. And with great help from EDEN we were able to come out on top on this great battle, where almost 2 million damage was dealt.
Today I'm very proud to call myself an eSouth African and I would like to personally thank everyone who participated on our side in these battles. Thank you EDEN! Thanks you USA! Thank you SOL! Thank you every SA-citizen who gave their all in these battles! And most of all; THANK YOU BRAZIL FOR YOUR 177,928 DAMAGE! I'm a little disappointed about the 114,139 damage you did on Indo's side, but it's still 63,789 more on our side 🙂

SAL's 50k-dmg-praise
The initial though was to mention SAL above but I feel they have praised themselves enough for all of us. I can't agree more with them that they mad a big difference in the battles; the guns they handed out and all of their strong members really did contribute to this win. But there's a difference between fighting for the cause and fighting for the publicity. When I fought for SA all I had in mind was protecting my homeland, keeping our pride and regaining what's ours. SAL: you did a great job and sacrificed a lot for this land. But next time leave it at that. Everyone knew what you did and up until the ads everyone were knew that the purpose was to help SA, not to help SAL. But when you put it up there people really changed their minds about your motives. And what about all the others; the ones who did their very best, the ones who gave up their last pennies, the ones who now are in debt because they love this country so damn much; shouldn't they be praised?, isn't it just as much their win? I think it's everyone's win; it's SAL's win, it's eSAAF's win, it's the SA-citizens' win and most of all; it's Brazil's win.
I would also like to ad that if there is someone we should really praise it's the captain of the 2nd company in the Pretorian Guard, zamrg. He was one of the most active organizers of eSAAF during these battles, with constant order-updates, mass-mailing and consulting. But that's not all; I don't know all the numbers but judging from battle-stats he bought at least 65 wellness-packs+Q5 weapons, at a total cost of at least 171.6 gold. He managed to do a total damage of 25,624. So let's give it up for the 25k-dmg-man, zamrg!

Congressional election
As earlier mentioned, I was able to once again take a seat in congress and I hope I can contribute this term too. Along with me I have a long list of people I look forward to working with; f.e. Remon777, jaccil, Lazer Fazer and Hamilton Moore. There are also a couple who I'm not so happy to see in office, but fortunately this list is very short and I will not like mention any names. I will however mention who I would've replaced them with and that is Zagarius and wincenty1. I'm very surprised not to see those two in congress but I hope you enjoy they rest and try again next month.
I must say I was very impressed with how many votes some candidates were able to pull through:
Remon777 - has been in congress for quite some time and has got a fairly high amount of votes every time. But this time he blew our minds with 19 votes. Well done!
Jaccil - a person who I've talked to a lot and would consider my eFriend. I'm very glad to see that he had the second most votes, 18. It's even more impressive than Remon777's 19 if you consider that jaccil ran for the first time last election and only got 1 vote. Now he's shown SA what's he's about and they seem to like it. Good job!
Oprah Winfrey - I must say that it's pretty cool that the Oprah Winfrey is an SA-congresswoman 😉 But seriously; Oprah is an experienced player and have good politic-skills. I'm impressed by her taking 11 votes in her very first election in SA.
I couldn't quite compete with you guys as Limpopo had almost three times as many voters than Free State. But beware, next term I might run in Limpopo instead 😉 No, but seriously you guys impressed me and you truly deserve your spots in congress. Make sure you do your best. That goes for all congressmen, let's make this a good term. Start with donating your 5 gold to the RBSA.

Hope it wasn't a too big wall of text.