My View & The (New) IWP

Day 732, 06:15 Published in Israel Israel by Yoel ben Shalom

Shalom Israel, long time no see, right?

I'm writing to you in a slight state of panic, and a scenario which I would never have imagined a couple of months ago. I feel bad for our beloved Israel, a country which a significant number of people put their souls in establishing. But things have changed. I've been away (sorry about that by the way) and I do not care how this happened or whom to blame. All I know is that this country has fallen apart and that it is going to take a lot to re-establish it. However, I do not deny that president JmatH, actually an old friend of mine, has ruined A LOT. I feel even more bad when I hear that my party, the Israeli Workers Party, supported this man and that it is a vital cause to why this country looks like it does today. One thing has changed though, I'm now in charge of it, which means that I'm going to be forced to fix this.

My plan with the IWP is similar to my plan for Israel;
Forget about the past and get the right people to keep the country moving forward!
If we divide ourselves and get hooked up in the past, there is no way we'll be going forward. And in these times, we need the right people to make it happen. This is not the time for newbies to try learning politics, this is the time for the experienced and thereby qualified people to steer up the situation. I'm not trying to block out the newcomers, but I'm trying to embrace the people whom been here and gathered the experience. I know that you have opinions about everything, so I want you to get into politics and let these opinions out and turn them into action!

On the behalf of my party, I apologize to Israel for this president. However, the IWP has been punished. We currently have one single congress member, and we used to dominate it in the old days. I want people whom left the IWP to get back. I understand that people are disappointed, but my presidency will open a new era to this party, a party buried in troubles. On the ideological part, I will run this party as it has been run during the old days, when we dominated the politics. I currently need people to run for congress, so I encourage citizens to contact me about it, because I will not let anybody run for congress. If I find a medal hunter, they will absolutely not be qualified. I will only qualify people whom I think can contribute to this country.

And finally, I want to assure you:
There is now my IWP, a new IWP.
Do you believe me? Then join us.

/Ben Shalom
Party President of the IWP
Senior Israeli citizen