My Tongue is Numb

Day 658, 11:28 Published in USA USA by system0101

...from licking all the envelopes of the letters I've sent in the last 24 hours.

I helped a bit with an AAP project today, mailing people stuck behind enemy lines. Quite a noble project. Sent maybe a dozen letters.

The big one though is this company: Defend USA with q5

Which is owned by this org: Serang Senjata Inc

And the person all over the donation list? An Indo (Within the last 12 hours he moved from Java to Hungary)

And they had 218 American employees, making q5 guns without respect to the wellness of the workers, and pooling all the profits to go back home. So I mailed them.

Every single person who worked in the last 24 hours got a letter, a warning. Many replied to me saying they didn't know, and one person said he even checked it out a bit, but didn't look at the donation trail. All in all about 80% of those 218 got a letter. And the company is down to 193 workers already.

eMerica FTW