My Take on Australia Leaving EDEN

Day 1,471, 04:56 Published in Australia Australia by Tim_Holtz

Good Riddance to bad Rubbish I say.
To Those of you who don’t know it, I was actually the chief supporter of EDEN in Australia 6 months ago.

I actually thought that although EDEN looked bad now it will pick up, it was just a rough patch.

I was Wrong. EDEN has proven to be great liars and deceivers.

EDEN is Different from when Australia joined it. It was once about the Brotherhood and Friendship. Now it’s about servicing the few strong countries and using Smaller Countries as bait to drain damage away.

That’s not even the worst of it. Corruption. It is deeply entrenched within EDEN HQ.

EDEN claims to have democratic Elections but it’s interesting that when Australia has a Candidate for a military position and has gathered support with other countries that suddenly the Australian President isn’t allowed to enter the Summit IRC room. Mighty coincidental I say. Someone who wants to change the pathetic attitude of EDEN for the better and suddenly Australia is excluded from voting in an alliance that claims democracy.

How about complete incompetence from the HQ?

For a week Australia argued with the SC and various others about letting our representatives into the channels for military communication and all that. Somehow the EDEN HQ argued that they had added them to the channel. They still couldn’t join. After investigation I found out why. Apparently people aren’t taught to read in Eastern Europe. Somehow Scotty is the same as scottty. For a week Australia tried to tell them it was wrong. And guess what. EDEN didn't listen.

12 months of complete hell and promises of help.

I don’t get how the 35843296548935670493th battle for Southern Serbia is more important than the Entire nation of Australia. I really don’t understand. An Offensive battle that has no hope of being won, won’t be kept because its only being won because Serbia is beating someone else up. It’s going to be lost tomorrow anyway.

Oh and this is nothing to do with resources. If you know anything about Australia in the last 12 months you will know resources mean nothing to us.

Token Support in a battle isn't help. its 1-2 BH hunters trying to get gold, not support from EDEN. Whenever a priority comes our way (once in a blue moon) its Terra that comes to our Aide not EDEN

Don't get me wrong there are some countries in EDEN that have proven themselves to be amazing such as China and Greece.

What about Brotherhood?

What I have seen for the last 12 months of access to EDEN channels is not Brotherhood, I wouldn’t even call it friendship. Its Australia genuinely fighting in battles for EDEN and then that not being reciprocated.

Being Abused for not putting some battle in Turkey as our Campaign of the Day (again with the offensive battles) over our only region and Capital is bullshit.

I feel compelled to paraphrase George Orwell “Everyone is Equal, but some are more Equal than others”

ex Australian President x1
ex Deputy President x2
ex Minister of Foreign Affairs x8
ex Minister of Defence x2