My Stance on eUK Issues!

Day 539, 17:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Akarin Weston


We it is obvious the powers that be think the HoL is inactive and needs to be abolished. I however take a different stance and strongly oppose Prime Minister Droz's proposal to abolish the HoL and create a 3 man, PM appointed, HoC approved, Legislative Committee, why:

- The HoL is inactive apparently... limit their number to 10 and replace all those inactive ones with the active forum lurkers who offer experience, opinions, a different views and are not afraid to be blunt and honest.
- The Committee proposed will be made up of the PMs lackeys or those of the largest party in the Commons, it will not review the legislation properly and will be less effective than the HoL in my opinion.
- The HoL is not democratic... well no it has never been so but it is a check and balance on the elected representatives, to make sure power does not go to their head, to ensure procedure and what it is right for eUK is being legislated upon.

While i am mostly ignored in the discussion, these are valid points that the PM or anyone has not really answered and i was at once told i am too new to know the past discussions (even though i am lucky enough to be able to read these one the forums)


I am currently not completely aware of the plan for the NHS being rather new but from what i have been told and managed to seek out, it will be abolished. Which i completely disagree with, we need strong and healthy citizens and the best hospitals we can buy to give our eCitizens wellness and ensure people view eUK as a viable home.


We need to sign less MPP's as these seem to screw us over and drag us into wars. We should only go to war for the eUK or those allies that provide something mutually beneficial to us. Training wars are all well and good but even thy can kill our economy and be a complete fubar'ed mistake.

A strong military with a strong nation of healthy citizens is what will defend the eUK and increase its population.


Well of course we should not have a power-based monarch but we are eUK and the UK is known for its Monarchy, it is not right for us not to have one to assent to Legislation and bring tourism to eUK.

A figurehead Monarch, for terms of 2 months is well suited for eUK and they should come from the HoL and go to the HoL afterwards to maybe, this plans need to be more defined if it turns into a real deal.


Everyone should question the Government, the Prime Minister and Parliament, this is the only way those not involved heavily in the political process will get knowledge and get to feel involved. I admit that right now i am asking lots of questions and i feel ignored as it seems to be those in the HoC/HoL/Govt that talk and answer each other, taking little interest in those not involved.

We that will end i hope, i have started to ask question so i can get involved in York County Council (Which i advise ALL BAP members to get involved in there Regional forums) and i hope to push my points further in Public Discussion so i am listened to and noted.


If i missed stuff, just message me about it and i will give you my stance. Right now i am committed to the BAP; increasing their membership and viability in eUK.

Other than that i have exams next week, SWD is going well and oh yes, im going to Alton Towers next Thursday and Friday... got to love rides 🙂

Until next time!