My Saoirse Party President Manifesto

Day 660, 16:08 Published in Ireland Ireland by Top Gun

Greetings Ladies and Gents,

This month I've decided to run for Saoirse Party President,with the newly reformed Starks Hayter as my side-kick.

Saoirse is struggling a lot with inactivity amongst the membership and therefore on the forums.
My Main Priority this Month is to get Saoirse Members onto the forums and start talking.

The current populist party model does not work with just 2 or 3 people sharing their opinions.
So this month I will be committed to contacting Saoirse members,and getting them on the forums.

Recruitment is another issue,we need not only to wait for people to come to us because of our articles,but to actively engage new players through messages and support also.
This month I will be committed to increasing our membership.

Changes to the Saoirse's Internal Structure would also be on the cards.
The full implementation of party positions and roles for active members being a main priority.

As a results of the above I hope we then can:

Form manifestos for Congress or Presidency as a party,with everyone's input.
Increase our number of Congressmen.
Become a Stronger Force on the Irish Political Scene.
Become Officially the Sexiest party in Ireland (Through bribery of IUP members Nithraldur and patton of course 😛 )

That's all for now,expect another article with some more information closer to the time of the election( 15th ).

Any Saoirse Members Reading This: Join the Forums Here

Signing Off,
Top Gun