My run for eBelgium Congress.

Day 1,339, 10:25 Published in Belgium Switzerland by Prophexy

Greetings fellow eBelgians!

I am just writing this to inform everyone of my plan on running for congress under the Belgian Communist Party flag. If you would vote for me, that'd be great. If you don't, I will burn your eHouse down along with your farms and Q1-Q5 food factories. No but really, vote for me...that'd be just super.

I have always served the people. I have donated countless amounts of time, gold, BEF/NLG to new citizens and old citizens alike, along with food and weapons. If you vote for me, you won't be sorry. If you don't vote for me, just remember... everything you own will be burned to the ground. Just kidding 😉

PS: Don't ask me what region I'm in, MonsieurGuillontine, our wonderful Party President, hasn't told me yet.. *sad face*