My Review on goLdeNReborn banning

Day 4,528, 10:37 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Rand Al Thor

Hello eWorld,

I'm writing this article to express my dissatisfaction about the ban of Hydra's leader goLdeNReborn. He was recently permanently suspended for usage of multiple accounts. While I understand that usage of multiple accounts is forbidden, and anyone that is using them should be banned, in eRepublik we are facing double standards.

What I am saying is, as written in this article, recently we had a lot of bans for usage of multiple accounts, but most of them were temporary suspensions. I didn't see a single permanent suspension for usage of multiple accounts. Even cases where we had couple of banned accounts at once, they were all temporary banned.

Going back to the case of goLdeNReborn, as I spoke with him, he didn't have a single forfeit point for over a year, nor an argument with the admins. So even if he was using multiple accounts, compared to the cases above, he should have received a temporary suspension, even ban on all other accounts but main should have remained alive. Why was he permanently banned remains a mystery.

Now to make my point clear, I am against the usage of multiple accounts, but admins make the game very unfair because they permanently ban accounts only on one side. I, and I believe most of the players that I saw shouting, and they were a lot, would never complain for a permanent suspension unless we had double standards. If everyone was equally treated(permanently suspended) we wouldn't have rights to complain. He cheated, okay he deserved it, but in this month there were many cheaters and none of them received a permanent suspension.

The only reason I see behind the ban is admins trying to return the balance in the game by eliminating out of the game one of the leaders of proAsteria side, but it makes zero sense! Admins should not take any side in the in-game war because the bigger the war, the more players means more profit.

Last point I wanted to make is that the accounts which are banned are not influential at all, means they can do little to no damage in big wars and therefore they can't change alone the flow of the war. While on other side we have Romper's clone army which alone is stronger than 85% of the countries left in the eWorld, and we all know it!

For the end I will leave links from accounts that were recently temporary banned for usage of multiple accounts:
and more that I am sure you will find in the comments..

That's it, for the end the conclusion of the article:
-Either give goLdeNReborn the punishment he deserved(temporary suspension), or go back to all previous cases and permanently suspend their accounts because of the same reason.

Thank you for reading!