My Rebuff

Day 225, 05:36 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

I would like to take the time to rebuff to particular stains agaisnt me. The first and most obvious is Top Gun. He personally stated to me he would message his people in his party and throw his support into the coalition. Here is the copies of the messages

Patton: I was talking to my Vyse and we were discussing a coalition government. Would you be interested in one ? Both parties would keep their sovereignty and you would vote for your own party for congress. The only difference would be we all support one candidate for president.

Top Gun : I thinking the exact thing the other day.
However we havent got much time.
It should probably be one of your candidates(ie. Vyse)
Just tell me who we should vote for and Ill message every member about it.
Best regards,Top Gun

As you can see Top Gun went exactly agaisnt his personal response to me. I did not jump the gun on anything. ( No pun Intended )

Secondly many have said this " coalition " is a power grab and that "watch out because patton will be running for your spot next election" Does no listen to anything ? I stated I will not be running and that I think Vyse is the best candidate. I set up the coalition to provide Ireland with a second viable party. Even with us combined though IF still had more people. How in the hell were we going to win the elections ? A Power grab ? Yeah Right

Thirdly( Is that a word ?) Ciarin and shown his ignorance once again and stated Third Army is headquartered in Dublin. For everyone else's information he was reading like the first newspaper article on Third Army which was several months ago ! He apparently overlooked my leaving to Japan for 1 and 1 half months and then a message when I returned saying Third Army no longer exists to run mercenary operations and is dead. I also believe he is even the one who asked me the question !

Well I hope I cleared this up.

In other news Patton-Inqui SO has been formed and all of my Urban Cottages employees wiill be transferred to Inquitus' housing company to boost production. Patton-Inqui will be producing Q3 Houses solely for domestic appropriation. If you are one of Urban Cottage employees please post a CV and send Inqui a message.

Thank you all for your time