My Re-Evolution [March Platform]

Day 1,215, 17:22 Published in Canada Canada by frankypicoto

That's right, I'm back in the game and ready to start working!

I will start by saying that I've found it to be very hard to compete with myself when writing platforms. These past few days have been tiring and I haven't had much time to ponder ideas or events to talk about in my platform so when going through my last two platforms I realised it might be hard to overcome such words 😉. Nonetheless, let's give it a try!!

I seriously can't believe it's been 10 months since I've been in seems like just yesterday I was managing the Congress forums as Speaker and gladly reading every comment my fellow congress members had to make. If you know me then you know that Congress is my passion, ever since that first term I have fallen in love with the Political side of this eWorld never to look back. Since then I've been a 5x Congress Member, 2x Deputy Speaker and 1x Speaker.

I've always showed my preference for British Columbia where voters seemed to appreciate my voice in congress and always gave me an opportunity to make them proud. I hope I can still accomplish that.


I am a member of the CAF but I have nothing against TCO or HOPE. There's nothing better than healthy competition and to be honest we need it.

I try to not be too influenced by my military conflict of interest by looking at both sides of any story, it really isn't very hard to understand both sides and it's something I always thrive to do when in situations like so. Not being too active in the military it mostly doesn't influence my opinions on discussions involving such things.

I've always stated my opinion on foreign affairs clear and loud by saying that I think we should befriend as many allies (and in some cases enemies) as we can. It's always good having a shoulder to rest on when times are tough and there's no better way to gain such "shoulders" than to try and look past our differences to find a friend.

The economy is generally messed up right now what with the admins doing whatever they want [take this, add that] but I'm sure that with the specialists we have on our side we can always make amends. I've never been too much of a specialist in this category so when proposals are made it mostly requires allot of researching. I will try to be more in touch with voters to see what they think of such proposals, where you can help me more than I can help you.

This month I've decided to generally let everyone know what I think about the above topics instead of giving you the run-through everything [and I do mean everything] like done in previous platforms.

You're welcome to use my two previous platforms (linked above) as a better way to get to know my work.

Thank you 🙂

Vote for frankypicoto in British Columbia on the 25th!!

5x Congress Member,
2x Deputy Speaker,
1x Speaker