My Private Army?

Day 499, 09:49 Published in Ireland Ireland by James Fallon

Famous Quote....

“Smoking kills. If you’re killed, you’ve lost a very important part of your life.”

~ Brooke Shields, during an interview to become spokesperson for federal anti-smoking campaign.

I've being wondering about the idea of creating a private army sometime in the future when my exp in battle is well up(around the general mark would be nice...v.nice in fact).......maybe 30+ or so people with similar exp fighting for different countries for gold donations etc....

Maybe then, create a political party when the numbers are high enough (80+)....then maybe...,get into congress and power that comes with,kick out old ideas and ways of old government in eIreland of all places....Draft all the newcomers when they reach level 5 strength,increase military defenses,rise taxes to supply weapons,expand resources and boarders to compensate.Then maybe,just maybe,actually change the course of history and not relive the current same old sad boring one which mirrors real life.....

Exactly what the game was designed for i in kicking the s**t out of people and getting away from the real world.

Ok ok.....having to edit this article because my caffeine level was a bit high at the time.So,ill just settle for a defensive stance on a military view in cannot win a rock, scissors, paper defense is are only option.(But still in favor of a military organision....and not the butt pirate the IDF.)

But,i'am just one man with an idea.......Muahh Haha