My PP Manifiesta

Day 1,418, 13:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by stockyrocky310597

The usual picture at the start, but it is so awsome

To all ESO members and all who wish to join
Today I am going to make a proposal to you

Bollocks, wrong type again

Well, as the title purveys, I am running for PP this month. And a manifiesta just sounds awesome.

Ok, joking aside, here we go:
Firstly, I will in a policy document to help newer people running for congress/PP in writing their manifesto's. The first manifesto (as I well know) if very difficult to write as you just going "What the hell should I put". Eventually you end up basing it on someone else's and then you haven't really learnt anything and then when it comes around again, you do the same. As many people know, ESO likes to let newer people have a run at congress and manifestos are confuzzlebuzzmeling. This is what I want to do in this term.

Secondly, our congress performances lately have picking up slightly, from 5 to an amazing...6! Yes, one more person, now, why not another 4 people to get 10 people into congress, that would be very good. A good slice of eUK politics controlled by ESO. That would make us a more formidable force.

Thirdly, the ESO Legion. Well, if you haven't been in it, seriously, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN! I've seen it go from a fledgling MU into a full fledged MU. But some of the idea proposed (of which I do like) have not been put into practice. I would like to see these ideas implemented into the MU. These would not only benefit the people, but ESO and eUK as well.

Fourthly, (well I think that's right) the ESO census. Oh s*it, I usually do that, erm....sorry guys!

Fifthly, I would like to see a joint party, national charity drive to get at least 1M+ wellness. Saying there are 2,000 (roughly) people in eUK and with 1M wellness, that is 500 wellness per person in the country. A huge improvement on previous drives. ESO charity drives have been very good recently, with about 250K worth of wellness going around.


To make ESO a more powerful prospect in eUK's politics, we need more members. If I can find some nutters, I mean willing volunteers, I wish to message newer players to make sure they keep playing the game and to try and recruit them into ESO to make us a more prominent force in the politics of this country.

By what qualities do I have and who am I?

I am stockyrocky310597, obviously, and have been here for a good few eDays. I have done a bit of PP'ing after Gambit decided it was no longer for him, and I have worked in and around MoHA (not MoFA, too much work)

And now for my qualities:

The first one comes in the form of a quote from Nelson Mandela, "The day I am afraid to do that is the day I am no longer fit to lead." This is a philosophy I like to follow, because if you cannot make hard decisions then you have are missing a big quality needed to be a leader.

However, slightly contradicting my last point, I like decisions to be made as a team, and to do the best for the party. Just like plains Indians did what was best for the tribe (I knew GCSE History would come in handy)

I know I've been going on about politics, but that's what a party is about. I hope I can count on your vote on the 15th.

Our ESO Banner to finish

And for those hungry people

Well, there you go, hope you enjoyed the pitiful jokes in there.


And some super cool graphics would be great