My Political Vision

Day 462, 14:40 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Ivan Hat

This was taken from a previous comment in my last article. I hope it sheds some light on what I wish to achieve.

But if we think of it this way, we set up a first come/first serve basis. We focus specifically on quarter 1 and quarter 2 companies. These companies which can barely function in the environment we have set up now. We bring these companies under our wing and advertise for them. We funnel workers into them and we Protect these companies until they mature and can become viable members of our economic state. Once they have we let them go, if they flourish they flourish, if they fail they fail. The least we can say is we're doing the country service by adding competition into the housing and food markets. Which, in turn, give us a standard on lower prices.

As for our military might I understand we cannot become a truly powerful nation physically. You are 100% correct that power is based on the people we have available. Look what happened to Sweden and Norway once the upgrade hit! What I am saying is that with a powerful and specialized mercenary corps we can focus on benefiting others with our MINIMAL strength; a small amount of highly trained, highly experienced Czech soldiers that is funded by the government. They fight for others and come back, they get paid to do the same later. They gain strength, we gain security and a valuable function we can actually achieve!

You are suggesting that we give up and accept the fact that we are weak. We are now 41st(!) the last time I checked. We need drastic change to try and make something of ourselves. If we can't become militarily strong then we need to become politically and economically so.
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What I also want to announce is my complete support of the ESA. A political and economical organization that works between worldly powers for the greater prosperity of European nations. Specifically smaller countries like ourselves. We gain a greater security by signing up for this and it is imperative that we do so. I have mentioned before that we are a militarily weak nation and with a small population it becomes easy for a political takeover. This organization helps protect us from these heinous crimes.

It has also come to my attention that eIsrael and eGreece are in desperate need of support. Under my administration I will draft bills for congress where we will give aid and begin to set up trade priorities with these nations, ALONGSIDE our current friends Poland and Slovakia. We need to create a unity with our smaller brethren and now is the time to do so!

I must also state that if I am elected I will personally step down as Party Leader of the United Slavs party. I have served as this party's leader since August of last year and it will become a liability for me if I become the next President of the Republic. I hope this comes as good news to both my opponents and supporters.