My platform for running for change

Day 482, 20:57 Published in USA USA by killersinc

In my last post I had stated that I am running for congress but I didn't say what I was going to do during my term if elected. I am here not to correct that.

I am running on a four idea platform.

The first is to reform the military so we can have a more efficient command structure so people will get information they need to focus our efforts. How I would do this is by making sure that there is a steady stream of intel to our commanders so they can relay the message to our troops.

The second critical point that I am running on is instituting a new part of the military. At our current course our soldiers are ill equipped to fighting in a war. We seen the price of weapons jump to the point that the average joe american could not afford one. So I and others fought with our fists. We gave our all without much effect. I plan to change that by creating the United States Federal Armory, this branch of the military will keep stockpiled weapons and gold so we can help our forces hit hard when we need them to. The gold that is stockpiled there will ease the burden on the Federal Reserve in times of war.

Another critical point that I am running is the lack of Q5 hospitals and Q5 Defense structures. As it stands right now Florida is the only state that has a Q5 hospital. May I ask why this is? We put our only great hospital on the boarder throwing the bird to everyone crossing by. This needs to change. God forbid we ever get attacked, our allies can be distracted from our fronts if they are also getting attacked, and lose Florida.We would be vulnerable to losing a lot of territory. That is why I have thought up an idea. We need to commission at least 3 new Q5 hospitals. These new hospitals will be put in the middle of the country so that in case of attack we will have back ups to Florida. The second part of this plan is beefing up the boarder. Currently we have no defense structures protecting our homeland! Why is this? Are we crazy? I plan to change this. We need a secure boarder before we plan on ever going to war with anyone.

My last running point is the average man. Yes you! We need to introduce a worker program that helps new people get acquainted to this game and introduce them into a job. That would help our new members kind of like the National Guard who help our people learn the ways of war. I would set up a commission in the congress to implement this immediately because our new people are not getting the treatment they deserve. To add to this fight for the average man I will fight for a comprehensive increase in the minimum wage that is closer to the amount people will need to keep eating and training. This is in the interest of our country to help our least fortunate because they will help us fight for freedom.

These ideas are paramount to our growth as a nation and a people! So please remember a vote for me is a vote for change!