My official endorsement for President

Day 252, 11:25 Published in USA Israel by BuzzyTheCat

I was going to stay semi silent on these elections. I figured that the majority of the US population had already made up their minds. However I see a bit of a disturbing trend going on. I believe people are falling for the “cozy speech” syndrome. People are coming out of the woodwork to support Justin…but why? Just because he has big promises? Can no one see the emptiness here?

The way I see things is this. Archi is probably the greatest economic mind in this country. He is certainly on the short list of economic minds in the eWorld. TGM is a very good orator and a strong newcomer who has shown activity and a level head. Together I believe them to be an unstoppable force in politics. Add in a strong cabinet and they are probably the strongest team in the eWorld, bar none. Sure Archi isn’t the strongest speaker, which is why he has TGM and others around him.

Justin is also a very good economic mind, but with the added ability to debate issues. However I have seen a bit of the “lots of ideas, no idea how to implement them” syndrome from Justin. He has a million good ideas, except HOW is he going to accomplish them? WHERE are the funds going to come from to pay for some of these programs? WHO is he going to appoint to the chair of these new programs? Very little has been seen on these questions. It could take days to a week or more to appoint people to chairs polish out financing plans, etc…and there goes half of his term as president. I don’t want to sound cruel, but honestly, Justin would be a great economic advisor, an excellent ambassador, an excellent foreign relations spokesman… I just don’t think he is ready to be president of an entire country.

Government should be that subtle guiding force. You should almost never be directly impacted by government unless times are dire. I believe Dish has set up a very good system. Very little needs changing in many areas, and this is what I see from Archi and TGM. Justin wants to double the size of the government, add dozens of programs, and nearly wants to turn the country on its ear. That is not what we need right now.

Consider this as my official endorsement for Archi and TGM for president in August 08. They are without a doubt the strongest team at this time. They are the future of this country