My notorious day of all oopses

Day 814, 03:40 Published in Finland Finland by Juse L

Ok, dear subscribers and random audience. Today it is officially an "oops" day. Let me explain since this is probably so uncommon to you all.

Today, I tried to wake up, early as I tend to do. But then it struck me like a pack of bloodlusted lightning bolts with an agenda. Oops, something went wrong. What... could not wake up, it was most likely my late-hour partying. My memory was apparently unavailable for the moment, since I could not recall any vision about last night's heavy drinking. I tried to wake again later, lucily enough to success. Well, it happens, I thought then.

I rose from my virtual bed thus ending my virtual dream that I considered at the time quilty for my virtually late awakening. Must have been good. Grabbed some virtual coffee for my virtual hangover (that was, for my joy, apparently unavailable for the moment), while logging in virtual virtual space seeking for some action. As usual, I found a battle I am able to participate, so I ported to the fields and then it got me again: Oops, something went wrong. What's the matter this time? Wrong battlefield, an ally-shot, perhaps port had a hickup, sending me in the ass of the ashbird instead of sending me hunting for it? Apparently my limbs were unavailable for the moment. Whatever it was, it got me annoyed since after some trials I managed to punch a huge holes only using only my fists, since gun store was apparently unavailable for the moment.

Silently swearing I left battlefield and went for bandages and medicine (after all, war wears out). I have always trusted the excellent medical staff of Southern Dalmatia for the brilliant treatment I have always received. Yes, until today. Oops, something went wrong. Sod it! Doctor is apparently unavailable for the moment. Please try again later. LATER?! OH FOR THE SAKE OF SODDING GREAT CTHULHU! I am bleeding to death! I do not know, if I am here anymore when "later" comes, do I? After tantrum, nurse took me to the surgery board. The doctor swore loudly in Croatian (and with a hint of Latin, I reckon). Oops, something went wrong. The knife is apparently unavailable for the moment. Seems that no-one is doing doodles about anything to bring the surgeon a knife. There is not much more later left. Luckily I got patched just in time.

Work time. I walked in only to face yet another oops. Apparently works were... you know already. I called my boss. Line was... yep... So I walked in later and got somehow my job done, although my tools were unavailable for a moment several times without me sharing them with colleagues. Then the depressive blow of all oopses - no after-work beer. It was, according the pubkeeper, unavailable for the moment. No matter the fact I was sober. ****! I didn't bother to try again later. Went home, which was surprisingly available, and took a can. Then it struck again with an embarrassing essence - oops, something went wrong. My ability to hold was apparently unavailable for the moment. So I peed my pants soak. I certainly won't try that again later. Dressed up for the training, and off I went.

I could bother you for several oopses happened during training, but I rather not. Almost everything went wrong and my learning today was mostly learning from errors. Now I seriously hope my bed is not unavailable for the moment, and if it happens to be so, please Lord, let it at least be a beautiful woman... or better not, I assume something would anyway go wrong there too, whether that woman would be unavailable for the (special) moment, or something equally bad than the product of worst imagination of the e-planet.

P.S. No hard feelings, crew of eRepublik. I just made some ill humour, I am sure you do everything you can giving a full 100% for your efforts. Thank you.

The writer is apparently unavailable for the moment. He is doing everything he can to get away from the problem. Please cry below later.