My New Paper and The Upcoming Presidential Elections

Day 926, 19:51 Published in USA USA by Charmader95

Welcome to The eAmerican Pi Paper!
I have completely revamped my newspaper strategy, and have renamed the paper in responce. Like my old paper, I will foucs mainly on ePolitics, but will also report on other events. Around election time, I will continusly provide links and updates on the candidates and ATO efforts. Make sure that you are subscribed!

My fancy new divider.

The eUS Presidential Elections
With less than 2 days until the election, the candidates and endorsements are final. A brief summary of each of the candidates is below.

Colin Lantrip
Vice President: Angelini

Newspaper: Great Ape Gazette

Major Party Endorsements: AmericanProgressive Front (APF)

Chocolate McSkittles
Vice President: Ligtreb

Newspaper: McSkittles Times

Major Party Endorsements: Federalist Party
US Trade and Military Alliance (TAMA)
United Independents Party (UIP)

Pizza The Hut
Vice President: PigInZen?!?

Newspaper: Pizza Party Paper

Major Party Endorsements: Republican Party

Sir Valaro Volcrum
Vice President: CivilAnarchy

Newspaper: Hell Jumper

Major Party Endorsements: Socialist Freedom Party

Killing Time
Vice President: Unknown

Newspaper: Appeal to Reason

Major Party Endorsements: Technocratic Party of America

ATO (Anti-Political Takeover) Efforts

There are a number of PTO attempts in various countries around the eWorld this election. Please see this article and consider voluntering to prevent the hostile takeover of allied countries.

Thanks for reading. If you see any errors, please leave a comment or message me. Please Vote and Subscribe!