My Month Summary ,by Sergeant Autumn - [ENG]

Day 1,643, 08:24 Published in Israel Cyprus by 3.14 Goat
♥ Good week my dear friends & readers ♥

This is Sergeant Autumn™ with another brand new edition of the best e.paper around - E.Soldiers of Fortune™

In this post i I want to summarize my experiences in the game this last month:

1. A congressman is born
It's been my first month as a congressman / knesset member, since i moved to another city in real life i had little time for discussions and debates. but regarding law proposals - of Course i preformed my duty's & voted on all the proposals. i guess this is the place to publicly announce that I've voted no on both of the politically charge subjects that e-Israel faced this passing month.
i voted against the president impeachment & and also against the NE proposal on Bulgaria.
in both cases, i believe that cold headed thinking & public debate's are sometimes the smart move to do instead of acting alone as a congress member - my point is, if you wish to change things here - you need to talk to ppl about it first.

2. Pathetic Veterans
the second subject is a bit heavy, so I'll try to make it short. i got elected to our congress in my first attempt, i came directly to the fourth place in all of Israel. why is that important ? because I'm not just speaking for my self here when i say to you all - There are boundaries not to be crossed by anyone.
this is one case of an act of pure evil -
this is made by Formic by the way, but then this is just one case of the negative, whining, self-pity attitude that some of the so called community veterans here are infected by. you ppl are pathetic.
but evil only prospers where good people say nothing... so i state here publicly that this bunch hobby's to trash others must stop - get an e-life.

3. Summery of my goals in this last month:

|> . I continue to deliver food for Samson MU & at the Mof, i kinda had some half days lagging cause of real life stuff but i have returned to my natural state in life... surrounded by many computer of all types & sizes 🙂

|> Together with my dear friend & colleague dpdevil, we started the SRWT, what is that ? read it here:

SRWF announcement -

some more info & quick links to the SRWF forms:

SRWF Refund Form
SRWF Donations Form
SRWF Refund List
SRWF Donations List

|> One target that failed to reach, is writing a work order & some forms to arrange the various government offices. I promise to start this project this week and slowly ease the various offices will have in easier time with the daily execution of their tasks.
also the process of entering the position will be much more clean if you have a guide book to help you run the office.

4. Upcoming election this week for congress
As you all know, i am going to run for congress again.
this time i state to you all in public - if I'm elected one again in a hi place like last month, I will consider seriously the establishment of my own party, not sure I want to lead it to start, but I find that I have really no political home in Israel.
For example, in the last party election, I came in second place after Arik and a large gap from the rest of the candidates.
This means that there are enough people here in the community who value hard black labor more then talking about it.
After some serious thought and consideration I need to decide if that agenda of hard work along sided by little talking is solid enough core to form a party of my own.

thank you for reading, have a lovely week & see you on the battlefield 🙂

Sergeant Autumn

hebrew version will be available in the evening