My manifesto for congress. Short and sweet.

Day 701, 07:56 Published in Ireland Ireland by l1l1Rayl1l1

This article is just to announce my running for Congress under the IFP in the Cork and Kerry region. I'm a member of the eIRP but am running under the IFP as an act of freindship between the parties with consent from both party leaders.

1. A baby boom is something I'll be pushing for if elected. Nothing like a jolt in players to get the economy going strong.
2. Wargames are a must. I'd like there to be more regular wargames and would try to make that happen if elected.
3. Keeping out of big alliances. I'm not opposed to war but I'm against joining a big alliance. No point in being a puppet of a country for a big war machine that won't listen to our voice and get us invaded. Weather the alliance is evil or not I'm against that.
4. Education of new players. I'd like to see new players thought the basics early on. If elected i'd try for some sort of new system put in place that gets new players educated on some helpfull tools and tips. Like how to fight effectively and what to buy. It helps retain active players if they're talked to by not just recruiters.
5. The increase of the Irish language! This is Ireland and if elected i will do everything i can to get Irish into state issued messages in lare proportions.

If you take your vote seriously and want to know why I'm not as well known as some, I'll explain that here m'freind. Shortly after being eBorn i moved to eUSA to take advantage of the war and get used to the game quickly. I returned to eIreland about 3 or 4 weeks ago and have been as politicaly active as possible since then and i will continue to be politicaly active. I'm fond of giving my opinion on matters at hand and getting things done so I opted for the eIRP. PM me with any questions or would simply like an ould chat xD as i'd love both.

Voting and subs appreciated 🙂