My Love Letter to eChina | 来自美国外长的信:我挚爱的中国

Day 1,041, 18:11 Published in China China by Alexander Hamilton

English Version:

As we have all read by now the Admins intend to introduce five new countries into eRepublik, three of which have ongoing “Real Life” internal and international disputes. It seems to be a blatant attempt to replicate the success of the nationalism driven “baby booms” among the former Yugoslav Republics. However eRepublik is supposed to be a place where we create our own destinies, real life conflicts and animosities take a back seat to this once promising “new world”. While the USA has not had much success branching out from countries it is not friendly with in real life since beta (we have Dish to thank for that); China is the exception.

While it is often overly hyped up in the real life press that there is a “rivalry” between the USA and China, people are what matter and Americans and Chinese think fondly of each other as people. Despite our real life government’s disagreements and a media that thrives on controversy, in game eChina and the eUSA are very close allies. We did not hesitate for a moment in offering China 1/3 of our conquests in Russia, China has graciously allowed the US to maintain a foothold in its hinterlands for strategic purposes. Suffice it to say we’ve been very close to China and will remain close allies. We still have yet to topple that “third PHX pillar in Asia” and we will find a way to win in Liaoning.

This brings me to my point, don’t give up China. We’re not going to give two sh!ts about eTaiwan when it’s added, as far as the eUS is concerned it’s none of our business. We will not be bringing real life “drama” into our strong friendship in game, and we will discourage any of our citizens who attempt to do so. I hope that the addition of eTaiwan will not cause any Chinese to quit, and I hope it will not cause eRepublik to run afoul of your real life government. We do not wish to lose such a strong ally.

Much love China,

Alexander Hamilton
eUSA Minister of Foreign Affairs
(oh god I’m a title whore 😐 )

Translation courtesy of The Samurai (thanks!)

