My Little Election Soapbox

Day 746, 02:49 Published in USA USA by Teucer

It's early (5:30 AM), so I'm gonna make this short and sweet.

I'm looking at the presidential goals for each candidate this morning and I see Jewitt wants to take two regions from the UK. Now I wanna shoot the UK as bad as everyone else, but frankly opening all of their MPPs for revenge is no different than what Spain has did with France (and yes I've seen plenty of Americans complaining about how bad Spain is for doing that). So why would it be any different for us? Not only that, but tactically the US has far more good options than invading the UK. I'm a Joint Chief, I can vouch for this.

Basically, Jewitt posting that is the equivalent of that kid in high school who promises free vending machines (or some such dumb thing) in order to suck up easy votes for class president. He's pandering to the uneducated two clicker and as I can see he has taken a small lead so far. Josh Frost has done an extraordinary job as President, so for the love of god REELECT HIM!