My letter to all Britons

Day 1,495, 06:06 Published in United Kingdom Greece by Kravenn

What I have to say ? That is not easy but on the moment that I write this article we have no regions and we will have no congress. During these last days, I saw many articles blaming that it was the fault of another citizen (or party)

I know that these moments are hard and several citizens prefer to project the fault onto another group (mainly because it is more easy). I will ask you to not listen enemy propaganda because their only goal is that they want that a part of the population rebels against another part. Only to have an easier way to keep our original regions. We have nothing to win if we are divided and division will cause us to lose.

Some will say that the government did nothing and that’s why we are out of the map. Well that’s not true. Of course we can give weapons to soldiers and mercenaries during all the night but it is very hard for us to win a round on Teden time zone. Losing a round with 25 or with 40% remains a round lost (especially when the final result is 1800 vs 20) . In this case, weapons given were used to nothing because we have nothing in return.

It is also unfair to blame our CP, the current government, congress or main parties. Our enemies showed their “courage” when they attacked UK on 3 fronts at the place of one. They call that “courage” : I call that cowardice
For me, we have not lost the war and their joy is only momentary. The game is cyclical and after months of domination, ONE have found some difficulties in continuing to dominate.

Well, you will say “ what now ?” : I am honest, I don’t have the miracle recipe and I am unable only myself to have back all of our original regions. Only a united people can defeat our enemies and even if we have one knee on the ground : we will not surrender. We will all fight and every victory will be a defeat of the 3 little cowards.

On these hard times, I will say (almost) the same thing that JFK said : don’t ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for United Kingdom. And in this case, it is listening to our Country President and our Government, and also joining the military unit “The Resistance” ( which is the Military unit where we will coordinate our actions in Resistance Wars. I will not forget : - a military channel in which we can help to coordinate our damage.
