My joke of the week

Day 1,879, 04:27 Published in Canada Canada by Cozza

Bulgarians and all might run around spreading all this equal for members BS, Looking after their friends, But deep down. They are just as resource hungry as any other alliance and it doesn’t matter who has the resources.

I drag your attention to this treaty between Australia and Chile.

Basically, you sign pro-CoT mpps. You get back some regions. No war between Chile and Aus.
Seem’s ok.

But Indonesia (A CoT member) sees resources in her eyes. Smart thing to do would be diplomacy and some kind of deal for the resource in Australia. Considering Aus is about to start leaning towards your side, its only fair.

But no, that’s not how they do business

Indonesia“Screw you. Give us your resources. No rent. No other regions. Just give us”

24 hours later

I might be wrong. This might not be CoT’s doing. But this is a pretty humiliating moment for them. Gain a friend then less than a week later a member nation demands a region and just outright invades them. This is bad diplomacy for both Indonesia and a laughing moment at CoT.

And that’s why. My joke of the week goes to Indonesia.

Now lets all take a minute and laugh at them.