My Intentions for Presidency

Day 893, 19:07 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

I have decided to run again for the presidency of the Republic of Ireland. I think my administration and I have done a great job of accomplishing our objectives. As you remember from the beginning of last month my two main areas of focus are Foreign Affairs and the Military.


5n4keyes and Cpl Useless have done wonders with the military. So far everyone has been divided into the new V2 units and everyone is receiving weapons from the state for important battles. My mandate of constant deployments has been followed to the letter by the MoD. Irish troops have touched the ground in Croatia, India, Australia, Norway and South Africa.

Foreign Affairs

This month was a complete victory in foreign affairs. We cemented our relationship with the Brolliance nations in our defense of Australia. We solidified our alliance with Croatia and their offensive against Hungary, and we consolidated our friendships with South Africa and India in their fight for their original regions. And on top of all of this, our MoFA team, led by Irishbhoy, secured a ultra-cheap MPP with Spain.

Final Statement

I know from my earlier months, that y'all love my daily updates. Unfortunately, this month has been exceptionally busy for me (and my beautiful Princess). Even now, I'm in the middle of an extremely important exam week. However, I contributed all the time necessary to make this term a success. That's all I have to say, but Irish Princess has a small message she'd like to ad😛

From the Princess

My wonderful eIrish kingdom lovies,
I apologize for not upholding my duties as Ministress of Community this term. In fact, I haven't been around at all lately...and a few of you have noticed 🙁
The Princess would like to apologize to you, her wonderful subjects, and ask that you still love her forever once she makes her triumphant return hopefully very soon.
Don't worry, RL hasn't killed your Princess yet. It's just very un-flitterific atm 🙁
Kisses and Love,
Irish Princess