My fellow Citizens

Day 464, 11:03 Published in Thailand Thailand by Bl1ndn3ss

My fellow citizens,

I am here to announce my intention to run in the next presidential elections.

I know that some of you may not know me that well and I do realize that I upset a few people with some of my comments in the eThai news but rest assure that my only concern is to make Ethailand a better place for us all.

But let gets to business. Next is a brief description of my presidential program and what my ideas for this country are.

I divided this into sections.


I think Vincent as done a good job, although I’m not satisfied with the low levels of participation of our citizens, but that’s hardly his fault.

My idea for of military is simple. Considering our small numbers we should keep a small but mobile and alert force. Ideally with a few high strength soldiers.

There is not a lot to be said in this issue.


Recruitment is key. There aren’t a lot actual Thais playing this game so we have to rely on recruitment to keep our numbers.

The best to bring new citizens to eThai is to get everyone involved that is why I defend the creation of a program for monetary compensation for eThai citizens (and ONLY citizens) that bring new people to the country.

My idea is to give 100THB (the value could be different) to the responsible for bringing a new citizen to our country. Obviously this is a program that someone could take advantage of (by bringing new citizens for only one day). That’s why that prize (the 100TH😎 would only be given 15 days (again, this is variable) after the new citizen arrives in Ethailand.


Raise the value of the THB. Everyone has been saying it. Everyone knows it’s needed.
The only way to raise the value of the THB is to take out the huge amount of it that is floating around. And for that we need gold. Lots of it.

We have a Q4 DS company that’s owned by the government. I see no reason to build another DS and no reason to use, in our country, the one we have in stock.

So we can use the gold we would get from selling the DS to buy up some of the THB and raise the value of the THB.
We can also find an extra 85G from the downgrading of our DS company. Because no one will actually buy that company and we get some much needed Gold.

I am totally against company loans. We have almost no Gold in the country’ accounts and what we do have, we need to keep for a rainy day.

But my main problem with government loans to companies is this:

If a company can’t support itself and can’t gather enough money to buy an export license (and if a company is going to sell their products outside our market they should pay for it) or an upgrade then they aren’t making a profit. And we all know what that means.

Besides there are a lot of eBanks that can make that loan possible. The companies would get their upgrades and the government would keep their much needed gold.

That pretty much sums up my ideas. I know some of you won’t agree with me.

If anyone has any doubts feel free to post a comment.
