My fellow americans

Day 442, 18:19 Published in USA USA by Boss_Khamzi

Tomorrow, you have yet another opportunity to gain 2 whole XP. Just for voting for the president. Yep, you can advance yourself by looking at the two individuals left.

I am going to say something that I never thought I would... we need to change the man in the office. I voted for Justinious last election, he let me down, he let you down, and he has let the nation down. His transparency presidency has gone translucent. Only the light is getting through...

No Justinious is a nice guy... but I am beginning to think that he is part of what we are doing wrong. We don't need nice, we need strong. Strength that is visible, strength that is recognizable, strength that wraps itself around this nation like a big comfortable blanket.

Right now the choice is Justinious or Uncle Sam...

Franco shook us greatly as a country showing us just how fragile our economy can be when people don't pay attention. Just how vulnerable we are, and how reactionary we can be to exterior stimuli. He didn't just steal our money, he stole our confidence.

Lets put swagger back in to our step. Vote for Uncle Sam.