My Endorsement of Ron Paul

Day 290, 15:12 Published in USA USA by Rise


As we all know Ron Paul has been a great PP for RfC, he has been active, informative and hard working. Throughout his first term he has accomplished many things he set forth in his "Ron Paul for a stronger RfC" speech found [a url=]here[/a]] from a welcome committee that goes beyond just sending a message, to gathering a list of all RfC members by region and mayors to making an RfC IRC channel. Ron Paul has effectively involved many members some new, some old, to help RfC in one way or another and you can rest assure he will do the same in his 2nd term. Ron Paul is the most approachable PP RfC has had since i have joined. He makes it a priority to reply to all who message him and he is always willing to provide knowledge, insight and advice to any issue you might have.

Ron Paul has held cabinet positions, mayoral positions, and been a congressman for many mandates. He was the most experienced candidate last election and is still the most experienced in this race. I am excited about his future plans and i hope you are too. So on day 295 remember to vote Ron Paul for the future of RfC.