My Endorsement for President of the United States

Day 895, 13:20 Published in USA USA by Joseph Schmo

Fellow Americans,

I'm aware that most eAmericans really don't care who I endorse, and for obvious reasons. If you haven't seen my last few articles (if you haven't figured out, I was joking in both) and are wondering who I am, my name is Joseph Schmo. Among other things, I am the former Commanding General of the eUnited States Army. I have been playing since December 2008, so I've been around the block a few times.

However, this article is not about me. Rather, it is about someone else, someone that I can say, without a doubt, is one of my favorite players in this game. It just so happens that that someone is running for President this month. So, without further ado, it is with great pleasure that I endorse Harrison Richardson for President of the United States this month.

Some of you may recall that I wrote an article endorsing HR during his last campaign for the presidency, which, as I am sure you are aware, is an election which he won. In my 14+ months of playing this game, he is the only man I have written a presidential endorsement for (for the record, I wrote a congressional endorsement for ligtreb about a year ago). As I mentioned in my last endorsement, this is a far cry from when I first met Harrison. When he re-joined the game as HR, I thought he was a jerk (and believe me, jerk is the censored version of the word I am thinking of).

When he became Secretary of State, however, my opinion of him completely changed (and I do believe he completely changed). By the time July rolled around, I considered him a brilliant leader and supported him wholeheartedly for the presidency.

Serving in his cabinet (which, admitedly, was an opportunity that came as a surprise to me) during the NA invasion made me realize just how brilliant he was. He worked his tail off every day, and he always kept his cool, even in the most dire of circumstances. In this volatile international climate, this is the kind of man we need running things.

As it is, Gaius Julius is also a longtime friend of mine, and if HR were not running, he would absolutely receive my endorsement. In fact, I'm not sure I can think of two better men for the job than HR and Gaius. While they disagree on some issues, I think both would be able to lead us well on the foreign policy front. That being said, I think HR has the more well-thought-out domestic platform (I consider him the more forward-looking candidate, despite his age), and I agree far more with his policy with regards to alliances.

This should be an amazing election, and I think everybody involved is excited to see it play out. I wish both candidates the best of luck, and I hope to see everyone at the polls this Wednesday, hopefully voting for HR 😉

General Joseph Schmo (Ret)
Former CO, U.S. Army
Former XO, U.S. Army
Former Deputy Secretary of Defense
Former Congressman from Vermont
Former Ambassador to Israel
Former Nationalist Party VP
Former Israeli Minister of Defence

P.S.- To those of you supporting the Schmo/Lewis ticket for President/Vice President, I regret to inform you that we have not received any endorsements, and therefore will not be running. While it is terrible that the U.S. will not be getting Joseph Schmo and Michael Lewis this month, I believe that Harrison Richardson and Chocolate McSkittles is the next best thing.