My Emigration

Day 354, 19:20 Published in Turkey USA by PrincessMedyPi

My Fellow eTurks -

I have remained quiet for days as I contemplated my future. Today is the day that I regretfully inform you that this has been my last day in the nation of Turkey. The sociopolitical climate of this nation and it's economic leadership have made it nearly impossible for me to live in this nation.

As an immigrant, I have never fully assimilated into this nation. My full integration into this society was hindered by prejudice and discrimination. To staunch nationalists, I was never welcome because I am not a Turk. They were convinced that I could never have the allegiance to this country for me to do what is right for the nation and its people. Even though I wanted to assist them in building a strong nation, they insisted on trolling me and excluding me from full participation. The culmination of their distrust was when they attempted to overtake the ABK (now PVD) for themselves. This showed that they are unwilling and unable to work with people of other races and ethnicities. They are bound and determined to make life in Turkey a living hell for any inhabitants that are not of Turkish descent. Although I have been able to cope well with their discrimination in the past, I am unable to be an effective member of this society under these conditions.

After months of trying to mediate the conflict between the Turkish and minority populous, I have become tired. I feel as though I have been beating my head against a brick wall. There were far too many people here in both factions of the population who were bound and determined to fight against peaceful resolution to the conflict that has consumed this nation. There were far too many members of this nation who were too swayed by their own pride to ever consider the possibility of creating a peaceful multi-ethnic, multicultural society. At least there is going to be a population left behind who is going to try to succeed where I have failed. The Communist Party of Turkey has a goal of achieving the same things I fought so hard for in this nation. I recommend that all members of society who yearn for equality and tranquility join the CPT and help make them a viable, powerful force.

I am leaving a torn woman. I feel like a disgrace to all of my supporters for leaving you at this time of turmoil. This nation has served as my home for almost the entirety of my eLife. It is the place where I was allowed to grow and flourish into the woman you see before you today. There are many of you I have met here that I am honored and privileged to say are my friends and Turkish family. It is you who have kept me here for so long. No matter how unhappy I became, I thought of you and chose to stay. You all have my heart and my allegiance. I reassure you that I will not forsake you. I may not be in the same country, but I will be looking in on you and supporting you from afar. If you ever need anything, I am still here to help guide you. Always feel free to contact me with any concerns you have about the direction of this nation.

I wish you all a long and prosperous future. Long live all of you.
