My eAlabama Run!

Day 573, 14:25 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton

I'm making my eAlabama Run! This wasn't any spur of the moment decision, I checked with my Party leaders, and made sure they thought I was up to the task. (see below for my sponsors so far)
( I'm running under the Conservative Party)

Why I should be your Congressman!

I don't rush to decisions. I listen to a few different aspects before making up my mind.(the following are only after fully understanding what exactly is being asked)
The most probable outcome, the least probable outcome, the most popular of the people/ congress, the least popular of the people/congress, what the "left" is saying, and what the "right" is saying. (meaning, what exactly each party is saying.) Only after all of those have been met, will I make a decision.

I'm also a very approachable person. I love to hear feedback, positive or negative! I think thats a necessary quality in those in the eCongress.

My Stances

1.) I hold these principals to be true: Limited Government. It’s our money, not the Governments. Therefore I would like to keep as much of it as possible! Therefore, I believe in low taxes wherever it is applicable. I special shout out to the MoW guys. Their doing an excellent job!

1a.) I believe in curbing any unnecessary spending. I also believe that any spending that takes place, should be strictly watched over, so as to not waste our money!

2.) I’m a huge fan of the Military, and War Games! It’s been a great help to us, especially our Experience. We grow stronger and stronger day by day.

2b.) Military policy for me, in general, tends to be as follows:

Reasons for going to war.
1) Self Defense or in Defense of An Ally
2) To obtain an high quality iron region (see below)
3) To prevent PTO in neighboring countries, but only if it is clear and we can defeat the enemy quickly.
4) In a well coordinated attack with allies, but not to support unilateral aggression of an ally. And only after the reason is clear.
5) Any declaration of war should include a funding request and a clear purpose of why war should be started and also the end game (what’s the point of the attack, and what is the goal?)
6) The Military should further develop plans for all the above.

3.) Hospitals I’m in favor of making the hospital in Alabama a 5star hospital! I’m also in favor of making a 5star hospital in a state that doesn’t border any other countries, like Kansas, just in case of a surprise attack!

4.) Alliances I’m in favor of making a new Alliance ASAP. But we can’t afford to be reckless. We need to take as much time is possible to create a new alliance, based on trust and unity. We can’t afford to fight amongst ourselves. We need to develop a “Defense First” policy with the alliance, and slowly work on countering other Alliances. We will be at a huge disadvantage on the World Stage, with PEACE being massive, and us probably only have 5 members starting out. After that We must SLOWLY expand, and make sure each new member fits our desired characteristics perfectly. We can’t afford to cut corners. This is an area I'd especially be good at, because I don't rush to decisions.

5.) And most importantly, I pledge to you, the people, that I will be loyal to you first and foremost!

"You are uneasy. Well, you’ve never sailed with me before! I guarantee it’ll be a ride you’ll never forget!" -Paraphrase of President Andrew Jackson


"Newton has been very active in the Conservative Party and has great potential to being an excellent congressman. If you don't vote for Newton, you might as well had thrown your vote away" --Evry, 2 time Congressman for the state of Missouri. CVP council member. Member of the Military Committee.

"Newton has been very involved in politics since I first met him when he had just started playing. He follows every political move and makes very wise desicions." --DC (Dodgercatcher)

“Newton's shotgun marriage to Angie will provide him enough experience to click a vote button.”--Hekter, CvP Party Whip

"Newton will stalk your forums until he knows where all of you live, and then the killings will begin o.o"--Hekter, CvP Party Whip

"I like Joe Newton and the reason I like Joe Newton is because he only kicks other men in the balls when it's really necessary!"--Matt of W

"Joe Newton has taken an active role in the CVP, and I now believe it is time that he move his responsibility onto the higher stage. Newton's eagerness and vigilant responsibility makes him more than ready for the job. Help make the new CVP as great as it can be by trusting me when I say--vote for Joe Newton in Alabama June 25th!" --Mattoze5

If you have any more questions or comments or anything at all, PLEASE feel free to leave a comment of PM me of anything!
Don't forget to vote and subscribe!
See ya'll next time,
Vote Joe Newton in Alabama on June 25th!