My December Congressional Platform - Part 1: Foreign Policy

Day 759, 10:13 Published in Canada New Zealand by SledDog

I am running for Congress in the next elections for the CNC although at present I am not prepared to announce where I will be running. Instead of writing a single platform I want to write a series of articles on the issues of the day. The first issue I want to tackle is Foreign Affairs.

The making of treaties and agreements between nations falls within the purview of the President. It is the task of Congress to provide advice and give consent to the actions that the President takes in these areas. It isn’t always easy to have an influence in this area because of this but it is an essential function of Congress

Our national defence is best served by fighting our national enemies on other people’s soil rather than on our own. It follows therefore that we need to establish and maintain an alliance structure that will allow us to do that, and where necessary to send our troops off to operate in areas where we do not have or – because of existing relationships – cannot establish MPPs. Having fallen once to invaders, we cannot allow ourselves to fall into the trap of believing that our borders are our limits. In a very real sense our borders are the outer borders of our neighbours. We have as great a vested interest in preventing an invasion of the United States as the Americans. We are keeping Delaware as much to help protect ourselves as we are to help the United States. And while we may not acknowledge it, it is in our vital interest to prevent a hostile army from marching through France to invade North America.

A secondary aspect of our foreign policy is a determination to protect our friends from being attacked and overwhelmed by our enemies or theirs and to liberate areas conquered by external forces. This is in part an effort to build relationships that are not necessarily bound by MPPs, and in part a sincere belief that our role in this world is to protect those who are under attack. It may explain why there are those of us who were uneasy with the Spanish invasion of France and even the American invasion of Japan. Even though these are our allies this sort of thing is an irritant goes against the heart of our national character.

In summation, I support a foreign policy that will protect our borders by building and supporting agreements that will provide us with a buffer zone that will restrict or totally block any enemy from attacking our sovereign territory, and reinforcing those agreements with the power of our military either through MPPs or by sending our troops to aid directly in conflicts. I also support a foreign policy that builds and strengthens new relationships by helping countries free themselves from occupiers and by participating in Resistance wars to free occupied countries.