My Current Economic Plan

Day 308, 17:30 Published in USA USA by Mister Brightside

The base of a country is hows goods, ideas, and most importantly, money flows. Virtually all politicians need to have an economical plan to incorporate into their political agenda; it just so happens that I have one. My economic plan is to negotiate with foreign nations to lower their tarriffs while simultaneously lowering ours. That way, our national companies can export to other natiosn to further increase their profits. This will also benefit the non-politician for purchasing goods. That way they can identify the best product at the best price. Thogh we would like other nation's to lower their tariffs and to keep are tariffs at the same level is impossible; for now, our nation will have to negotiate a lower level for both sides. Lastly, if you have some spare change, invest it in an American company, it will boost your earnings and the company's. Further more, VOTE FOR MISTER BRIGHTSIDE CAUSE HE'S ON YOUR SIDE.