My CP candidature

Day 1,473, 22:41 Published in Singapore Romania by Tataia Sorin

Dear eSingaporeans citizens,

My programm for CP is as simple as can be.

We will grow from the military point of view.

The eSingaporean people were for to much time only "fishermans". I think is time to became GREAT FIGHTERS.

The war will bring a boost in economy, and a babyboom. It is already proved to work in all the eCountries. Will work for eSingapore, too.

All other programs speak about increase of this and that but nothing is certified by nothing really.

If you will look in the past CP's promises and at the reality you will see that not much was achieved. It is time for a change.

Vote for eSingapore, vote for yourselves!

Tataia Sorin