My Congress Seat--Nifty

Day 591, 15:31 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton

As you are all probably aware, I left the CVP due to some internal issues…see my other article:

*cough* AJAY BRUNO *cough*

But anyway, the last time I left you all, I had several possibilities. The UIP, the USWP, and the CVP--sort of. I posted a lulz in the last article, that I’d come back if I got op. Well, DC ran with that. Meanwhile however, I was busy deciding which party to join. I thought the CVP was out, and had just decided to join the USWP party over the UIP. I thought I was all set, and was about to write up my article and make it official. But then some of the conditions that DC had come up with came to mind, and I thought of others. And, considering the progress that had been made with the Ajay Affair, I took it up with mattoze5. (the PP of the CVP, for those of you who don’t know.)

Long story short, after a long discussion with a fair amount of give and take, I’m CVP again. Let me just say that again for those of you who stopped reading, or were just looking for a big announcement in bold.


I wish I could inform you all with all of the conditions of that deal, but alas. I cannot. I can tell you however, I got my op--and a seat on the Conservative Party Council. I like to call my position “The Conscience of the CVP”

I can’t tell you the rest of the conditions--but rest assured Ajay Bruno is no longer a threat. To the CVP anyway. The rest of you still have deal with his articles. I stay subscribed for the lulz. And be watching the news closely in the upcoming weeks (maybe months actually.) The only thing I can tell you about that is--it will be big. And it will make eAmerica very, very happy. So don't forget to subscribe to see what happens!

So that’s about it. Lets count the time’s I used CVP in this article!

CVP: 10


Alright, here are the traditional quotes, from the IRC this time:

Hekter: Nifty
Newton: lol
Newton: nobody says nifty anymore. its a crying shame. its such an awesome word. nifty.
Angelini: I say nifty all the time!!!!
Angelini: woot!

and a somewhat relevant one:

"Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error." -Andrew Jackson

See ya'll next time.