My congress candidature

Day 577, 09:14 Published in Greece Pakistan by Katharos45

As some of you know, I will be running for congress in Attica. We, as a nation, have come very far in the last week. Thanks to the Americans, we were able to free 3 strategic regions, successfully stripping Turkey of iron, and crippling its economy. But there is still things left to do.

1. Central Greece held another resource besides iron and grain: wood. Wood is very important for houses. However, there is a lack of Greek wood companies due to the fact that non-Greek companies can sell it cheaper. If we raise the import tax for wood, we will have more Greek companies, and it will be more favorable to open a wood company, as with high iron, there was an explosion of iron and weapon companies. This would also help Greek wood companies already made that struggle to keep up with non-Greek companies.

2. We have already made Greece more welcoming to citizens through the welcome message (thanks jag), but one more part could be implemented into the message. We have a large shortage of recruits in the army, so in the welcome message, we could provide the link to the army registration questionnaire, and we would get a boom of citizens in the army, considering I only found that questionnaire 1 week ago.

3. With the value of GRD doubled, but salaries and prices staying the same, we should inform the companies we work for to change our salary, as not all orgs read the newspaper, and only care for their companies. This way, companies don’t lose money.

4. We need a hospital in C.Greece. It has over 500 citizens. I don’t care if they are Turks, they want to train. With the only hospital in Thrace, and many people unwilling to move there, people’s wellness will fall and they will not be ready for a war when there is one.

In conclusion, the most important thing is to bring Greeks into the game, and I urge everyone to invite their friends into the game, and try to promote Greece in real life media. And we all have to remember that this is a game, and let’s try to not have disputes about RL things.
You’re vote would be greatly appreciated.