My Candidacy

Day 609, 03:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by Trine


I am writing to announce my candidacy for the Northwest of Ireland. I freely admit to being a recent arrival on these shores and not completely knowledgeable of the ins and outs of Irish politics.

That being said, I feel it is a duty and privilege to offer my services to the great nation of Ireland. In the relatively short time I have been here I have seen many great people, admirable leadership and awe inspiring domestic policy. I do not know how or if I will win in this great gamble, but I do feel that the most important part is in the asking.

If the name of the paper left any doubt in anyones mind I will assure you that I am a socialist through and through. I have ran, and won, twice on the socialist ballot in both the Australian and German congresses. I know the value in working with the various branches of government, the delicate dance in dealing with foreign aggressors and the uncompromising demand for perfection from the people.

What I can offer you, dear Ireland, is steadfast loyalty. I will listen to anyone who cares to speak and act according to your wishes despite the political fallout from any intrenched parties. If you want it, I will do my best to make that happen.

I ask only to serve you, so long as you are willing to have me.
