My candidacy for dublinian majorship.

Day 304, 02:36 Published in Ireland USA by Inanis

The Irish Freedom Party told me I seemed a good candidate as major, so I figured well why not.

I will stand for major position these elections in dublin.
As a major I will:
* get rid of both housing and company tax.
* strive for active involvement and communication between the different parties and people in dublin and ireland.
* do gift/housing schemes for dublinians as long as resources permit
* promote the idea of donations (opposite to taxes)

As a major I will not:
* become inactive
* change tax policy to anything above zero
* do any impossible claims

for now though we better become somewhat less divided, because there's no chance whatsoever for any of us to become major if we all vote for the own party candidate. In that scenario the IR major candidate is sure to win I believe.