My Campaign For CP

Day 1,560, 09:55 Published in United Kingdom Brazil by MaximusV

Well its ambitious but thats what this country needs ambition

We need leaders who will fight tooth and nail for our benefit
We need leaders to protect our country
We need leaders who can hold a region more than a day
We need leaders who will fight for our freedom
We need leaders to guide our nation to a grand future

Our leaders are none of these things. not one not a single member of the TUP goverment can honestly say they have done any of these things yet thanks to the support of our backing MU the British Foreign Legion the BPP can we have held Wales we have fought for our freedom (but so has everyone else) and we have fought to bring an end to the invasion.

That is why you should elect me as the BPP candidate for this March. because I and my party will do our best to ensure we can do all if not most of these things aside from my stated goals I will do anything I can to help us out of our current situation including re forming the national military.

I will fight to free this nation TUP wont. Vote BPP this election

Just an opener I have a lot more planed leading up to the election