My bid for IUP presidency

Day 295, 12:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

Well, a dhaoine uaisle,

Now that I look like a potential president of the IUP, just one vote behind patton, I wish to make one last announcement to try and convince party members that I am the best choice.

In business I helped resolve the food crisis by providing affordable food to the eIrish people when it was hard to come by. Just look at today's report, even now I am providing cheaper food than anyone else (Eirecorp Food).

My employees are paid great wages and are happy. Ask any of my employees what they think of me and I am confident that they will sell me well. I have been comitted to helping eIreland through Eirecorp and later through the uni.

Politically I was one of Victor's most vocal opponents. As a testement to my opposition to him, I was offered 100GOLD to leave eIreland and never come back!!
While other people fraternised with our occupiers, I acted against them

Then along came WW1 and while many eIrish felt strongly that Rumania were tyrannical and oppressive in their invasion of Hungary, the leaders of this country stood by and even went so far as to publicly condemn the actions of the eIRB over there. While they stood by and allowed injustice to be done, I (and many others) took a stand against the tyranny of Rumanian expansionism.

On my return I was shocked at the government's attitude to us freedom fighters and their never ending willingness to do anything to keep ATLANTIS happy. I advocated another option. I spoke about Neutrality and the beauty of it. This was met with widespread support and is now being considered by IF to be included as part of the constitution.

For the party, I convinced many to join us. Patton may suggest an invasion on the part of BAPS but that is not the case, many IF members believed in what I had to say and rallied to me and the IUP.

For weeks many of us had to wait for forum access on the old forums. It was I who set up the new ones, in a matter of minutes I was able to sort out a problem that had plagued the party for over a month.

So there you have it, that is I, Igor Thunderbrow. If you can count in nothing else you can count on my honesty and my willingness to do what is right for eIreland and for IUP.