My bet with Octavian

Day 1,529, 23:39 Published in Canada Canada by Muglack

[0😇0] ok muglak, listen as a fox new style presenter, you can say what you want. in the end, I'll let you know one thing, nobody cares.
[0😇0] and stick to it
[0😇0] well you care
[0😇0] what do i win if i convince you?
[0😇0] lol
[0😇0] you can't convince me of a lie
[0😇0] * bummer2000 has joined #crimson
[0😇0] * Canuck sets mode: +h bummer2000
[0😇1] because I know the truth
[0😇1] so, grab a burger king and have it your way
[0😇1] * Boriani has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
[0😇1] I will offer you a wager though
[0😇1] if I get more votes on February 5th than you do
[0😇1] you leave and never come back
[0😇1] right. keep telling urself that sport. apparebntly whatevrr u want to believe is true. you cant prove what my intentions are but u know the "truth". speaks a lot about you. lol ur a joke man.
[0😇1] ur running for prez?
[0😇1] great
[0😇1] 🙂
[0😇1] if I'm a joke is it a deal?
[0😇1] * Guest52904 has joined #crimson
[0😇1] yeah.
[0😇1] awesome
[0😇2] * Guest52904 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
[0😇2] I'll write the article
[0😇2] and you can endorse it as true
[0😇2] good good.
[0😇2] give me one minute

As you can see Octavian has stated his opinion that I'm a joke. While that's his opinion and he's free to any opinion he wants I tend to disagree, moderately at least. Due to my "status" in his eyes he has agreed that if I beat him in the next election he'll be on his way. The first comment from him should be to verify this bet.