My Attempt for Congress

Day 1,707, 21:07 Published in Israel Greece by Steveeven

7/23/2012: My Attempt for Congress

Shalom everyone!

I would like to announce my candidacy for Congress at Al Jawf. I tried to run for Congress before, but, by a close vote, didn’t get in. Now, I would like to try again. Here is my short biography.

I started playing back in April/May of 2011. At that time, when making my ecitizen, I wanted to choose Israeli CS, but, I was afraid because I wasn’t a RL Israeli and I didn’t know how the game mechanics work. To avoid being in a culture shock, I chose the safe route: USA, because I currently live in Texas. I spent about a month under USA citizenship and learned a great deal of the game. However, I found the game pointless because I didn’t have.. eIsraeli citizenship. So, I tried to apply for one, and thanks to Danielmorad, I was accepted. To date, I joined eIDF Sapir and later eIDF Viper. After that, I joined the Samson MU and now, I am in eIDF Division 3. I developed my citizen’s economy to the point where I can export excess food and weapons (still working on weapons though).

If I am accepted into the Knesset, I will follow all MOD orders. I will donate my 5 gold to the treasury and only accept new CS applications if the immigration officers say so.

Since we lost Abu Dhabi though no-fault of eUAE, but to a eSerbian MU, I hope we can peaceably obtain that land back or renegotiate. We need the oil, : )

{E: 10:06pm}